Brazilian Law – International Law of ABA – American Bar Association

By Alexandre Leite Ribeiro do Valle, Daniel Stein, Fernanda P. do Amaral Gurgel e Rogério Damasceno Leal – Published by ABA – American Bar Association

A. Clean Record Law
On July 4 2010, Complementary Law No. 135/2010,1 popularly known as the “Clean Record Law,” was enacted, changing Complementary Law No. 64/19902 and dictating new parameters for the ineligibility of public elective offices in Federal, State, and Municipal spheres, aiming to protect the administrative probity and morality in the performance of public functions.3
This law resulted from the Clean Record Project, a Brazilian campaign that intended to improve the quality of the candidates in public elective offices. The law, which was signed by over 1.3 million Brazilian voters–representing more than one percent of the total Brazilian voters–was delivered to the Brazilian National Congress on September 29, 2009.4
Law No. 135/2010 has made ineligible State and Federal District Governors and Vice-Governors, as well as Mayors and Vice-Mayors who have lost their mandates for infractions to State, Federal District, and Municipal Constitutions, respectively, including those who have resigned from their mandates to avoid impeachment.5 (more…)

Histórias do Esporte – ESPN – Naturalização de Gui Lin

Entrevista concedida por – Alexandre Leite Ribeiro do Valle e Bento Delgado Kardos – ao Roberto Salin da ESPN – Naturalização para Olimpíadas de Londres.
